The Disney Adventure

The Disney Adventure
The Cinderella Castle!

Monday, May 16, 2011


So Disney has a very good reputation for being really accommodating of people with food allergies. We hear that a lot and we tell guests that a lot but until you see it for yourself you don't actually realize how good we really are. My food allergies consist of lactose intolerance but I never really need to worry because it's pretty easy to find things without dairy in them. While Tanille and Tammy were here, it was a different story. They are both celiacs (no gluten allowed) so we weren't really sure how it was going to go when we tried to eat in the parks. Turns out the rumors are true. Everywhere we went, as soon as we said 'food allergy', the cast member would call either a manager or a chef who would discuss the options with us and then make sure that the food was prepared correctly. It was amazing. If we were in a sit-down table service restaurant, the chef came out and talked to us and would come out later again to make sure we didn't have any problems. If it was a quick service location, the manager would come out and chat with us. Everywhere had amazing options, like actual whole meals, not just salads or burgers without buns. It was a nice treat for the celiac ladies because it's very difficult to get delicious gluten free meals. I also was THRILLED to discover that most Disney World restaurants have Tofutti and Soy ice cream so I was able to have a fantastic soy ice cream sundae!! AMAZING!! So now when I advise my guests, I know I'm correct!! I have some photos. Some are from the Expedition Everest Race and some are from Disney's Yacht and Beach Resort. I was back there this week because I'm picking up another shift there tomorrow! Let's see them, shall we!!

This cool Everest wall has our signatures on it!

We found some more Canadians who were racing in Expedition Everest too!! Obviously we needed a photo!

The race afterparty included visits from some VERY special friends!

The dock at the Yacht and Beach Club

The Yacht Club as seen from the dock (you can take a boat to Hollywood Studios or Epcot)

The Yacht and Beach Club has one of the most exclusive pools on Disney property. You can't swim in it unless you are staying there!

The Beach Club has a restaurant called 'Beaches and Cream'...they are very well known for their desserts as well at the decor, fabulously themed (as per usual with Disney), including these fabulous ice cream tables!

Gorgeous globe that actually spins in the lobby of the Yacht Club


  1. I just started working there, love it!

  2. Isn't it fabulous!!! Keep an eye out for me, I pick up shifts there often!!
