The Disney Adventure

The Disney Adventure
The Cinderella Castle!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Room 900 Revisited

So, remember when I was talking about room 900 and how it has the best view of all time? WELL, I was working up there yesterday for a wedding and I took some pictures (not of the wedding, that would be creepy) but of the view from the room etc. So beautiful. So, here they are:

Gus at the bar in the room
the view from the table


view from the patio

REALLY flattering uniforms

this is the view of the south wing of the resort from the patio 

you can see the bow river down there if you look closely

the town of Banff is right in the middle of this photo and the Banff Springs hotel is middle right
you can't really see it.

So amazing you can see why people want to have their weddings up there!

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