The Disney Adventure

The Disney Adventure
The Cinderella Castle!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So as promised, here are some camping photos!! Banquets is very quiet this week so we all only have 3 shifts, thanks goodness I picked up a morning shift in the restaurant, that makes it a little better!!

this is the bridge into town, kind of along my 10k run route.


Me at the lake that we camped at. So beautiful.

Bec at the lake at sunset

The lake in the morning

I'm collecting firewood!!

And now, as promised....dun dun duuuuun. The photos of the Diva's restaurant. They closed it for the summer so we all went in to have drinks on it's last night and I took a bunch of pictures. It's so my favorite place in the whole world. I want a room in my future house to look like this!!

Kristy by the fireplace.

Women's washroom with photos of male divas

You can't really see through the glass but you can see the mountains through this window!

The fullest view of the room that I could get!!

The bar!

The marilyn wall. And we all know how much I LOVE marilyn!!!

As you can see, the bar is amazing. I love it in there and I'm sad that it's closed! And how gorgeous was our camping lake!? Love it!!

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