Hi!! Exciting news on all fronts.
1. I get to go home for a little visit August 1-6th. SO EXCITED!!! The entire banquets department has that whole week off so one of the girls and I are driving home to vic for a sweet visit!! I can't wait to see everyone!! I'm also going to make a little stop off to visit the crew at Dunlop House which is also exciting. Andrea texted me last week reminding me that last year at this time we were starting our summer class. I can't believe that was a whole year ago! So crazy. And now here we are! I'm halfway through my first co-op. Carl comes to visit just after I get home too, which is great.
2. I talked to the Maitre d of Eden about the hostess position that they advertised and they have a few people with more seniority than me and who plan on staying here for a while who are in line for the position before me but Chad was really excited at the prospect of me being able to work a few part time shifts up there. Getting some 5 star dining room experience is exactly what I need on my resume! And then it won't conflict with banquets, I can still work there and work in Eden. So hopefully that all works out. I emailed Chad my resume and am not sure what the next steps are but I'm sure he'll let me know. So keep your fingers crossed for me.
3. I got nominated for empolyee of the month!! So cool. I probably won't win, but it's really nice to have the nomination!! I'll find out next week if I got it or not. I'll keep you informed!!
4. Did I mention that we went to the Calgary Zoo on sunday?? It was so much fun. I love zoos! Except we saw a grizzly bear on the way which was amazing and then seeing them all captive was so sad! And there's a lot of crazy children at zoo's. Which, as we all know, are not my favorite.
5. Big run tomorrow, 15 k I think. Marathon time is coming up sooner than later and I need to get my act together!! The altitude training and running up and down mountains has definitely been really good for me, I feel very fast. I'm interested to see what my 10k time is when I come home and do some runs. Oh, a few of us went up Sulpur Mountain the other day, it's supposed to be a 2 hour hike up, we did it in 1hr 10. Brilliant! Totally killed it!!
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