It was an UNBELIEVABLE day in Banff today. I ran my 18km, run this morning, despite the fact that there was bear sighted just outside staff accom this morning. And no, I didn't get to see the bear. Sad panda. Considering I run through the woods every day, I feel like I should get to see a bear. I deserve it!! Anyhow, after my run I went down to the Fairmont, where there's tennis courts, and a trail riding stables. And behind the tennis courts, on the other side of the soccor field, there's volleyball nets where the Rimrock staff meet to play some volleyball. We played Primrose vs. Banquets and Banquets killed it!! It's really amazing to have this family that I have here. Everyone is so amazing and we have so much fun together. It's so nice to know that there's ALWAYS someone to play with and someone's always doing something interesting. I also realized the other day that when I go home it's going to be a big adjustment. I've been living with 2 people in a room the size of the dining room at the Dunlop house. When I come home from work, my best friends are here waiting with a movie and popcorn. And I take an elevator to work. If I get bored, I walk across the hall to where my other best friends live. They're always happy to visit. When I get home I'm going to have to drive places!! And sleep in a room all by myself!! And that room will have a door!! A DOOR!! It's going to be wierd. I like it here. Honestly I don't think I wanna come home!!
I had something else to say and then I forgot. When it's time to get ready to go to work at the nightclub. Which, by the way, I'm really glad that I have!! Banquets has been slow lately and having some extra income is really awesome. I still have to pay half my mortgage on the condo back home so money is a little tight. Yikes!! Anyhow, like I said, off I go!!
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