The Disney Adventure

The Disney Adventure
The Cinderella Castle!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Carnival Expectations

So, I guess it's time for an update on my life. Lots of big news in the last few weeks. So the interviews with Carnival Cruise Lines went really really well, but I didn't want to say anything until I got the official word back. Well, I got it and the word is that I've been offered a Guest Services Assistant position with Carnival. This means all kinds of things, first and foremost, I GET TO LIVE ON A CRUISE SHIP!!!!! Secondly, I get to go back to Florida for training. The training will be in Miami or Port Canaveral, so I'll be heading over there a week or so early to spend some extra time in Orlando with my Disney friends! I can't wait! I don't know what cruise ship I'll be on yet, I'll know soon though. And of course, as per usual, I will keep updating this lovely little blog with stories of my adventures. Here for your enjoyment is my list of things that I am expecting from this experience, and at the end of it I'll look back and see whether I was right.

Erica's List of Cruise Expectations:

1) Lots of fun new places to explore. In my position we don't work really long shifts, we do work everyday but because it's a tough job we don't do long shifts, so I expect to have lots of time to explore the places we dock.

2) Cell phone withdrawl. Enough said.

3) Lots of time to train. I would liked to be training for a couple hours a day while I'm at sea, because I'd like to stay in racing shape for when I come home.

4) Lots of spare time. I know this sounds crazy, but compared to how packed my schedule is at home, I anticipate more free time. Here my days are booked solid from 6am til who knows when, on board I will only be working one shift a day and I won't be able to get any second or third jobs.

5) Catch up on my reading. I have so many books I want to read and not enough time!

6) Eating glorious fresh fruit all the time!!!

Thats all for now!! Check out the Carnival website HERE!!!

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