The Disney Adventure

The Disney Adventure
The Cinderella Castle!

Monday, August 22, 2011

So much to say

Well it's been a delightful time! We went to Banff, visited my friends over there, saw the mountains, and ate at my favorite restaurant. Which is 'The Grizzly House'. It's a fondue/hot rock restaurant and it's so much fun!! I adore it there. Derrek ate all kinds of crazy animals. Snake, shark, venison!! Etc. I ate chicken!! It was so wonderful to see my Banff friends and catch up. As per usual we didn't get to stay long enough, and it was hard to leave. From there we went to Penticton to see Lindsey which was wonderful also! We floated down the channel and enjoyed the sun! We only got one day there and then off to van we went. I got to see an old friend there that I haven't seen in a very long time so that was amazing. And now I'm on the ferry to the island!!! Huzzah!!! I can't even express how happy I am to be going home. I'm giddy!!! I haven't been home since January! Yay! .
This is the view of the Bow valley from the resort I used to work at in Banff, the Rimrock! So many memories
The Bow Falls.....still unsure why they call them falls, they're just big rapids!
You know you're in Banff when you run into lots of these guys!
This is actually Penticton as seen from Lindsey's balcony!

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