The Disney Adventure

The Disney Adventure
The Cinderella Castle!

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Well, february is approaching! I had hoped to have better news for you all but as of right now I still do not have a work visa, which means I can't go to Paris yet. It's been quite stressful, lots of paperwork and visiting the french consulate. So at this point I don't really know exactly what is happening. I've kind of come to terms with the possibility that I might not be able to go. It's not ideal but I do love being home and I can make the most out of whatever I end up doing. I am a gypsy and I love the next great adventure but sometimes we have to adjust our dreams. I'll keep you informed, fingers crossed I'll be in Paris by this time next month!! The quote of the day, keeping in the theme, is this:

Life at any time can become difficult: life at any time can become easy. It all depends upon how one adjusts oneself to life. - Morarji Desai